Matthew Chapman: UN Issues Rare Warning about Racism in America

How does it feel, America, to have such a proud and boastful pariah as president? Still think elections don’t matter?

Vox Populi

A United Nations committee on racism flagged America for a rare formal warning usually reserved for developing nations experiencing ethnic violence.

Despite Donald Trump’s campaign promises to restore international respect for America, he has plunged our country into one disaster after another.

From hanging up on the prime minister of Australia, to reneging on U.S. commitments to fight climate change, to incorrectly telling NATO leaders to their faces that they owe America money, Trump has become an international laughingstock.

But the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is not laughing.

As a result of the horrific neo-Nazi riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, which resulted in a woman being murdered in a vehicle attack, combined with the mounting frequency of racial hate crimes in America this year, CERD has taken the extraordinary step of issuing an “early warning” to the United States.

“We are alarmed by…

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